Movie People
The Great Directors
Laughter and Loss: The Tragic Tale of Gable and Lombard
The Understated Genius of Claude Rains
Preston Sturges: The Maverick Who Rewrote Comedy Rules
The American Dream on Film: Why Frank Capra Still Matters
When Hollywood Went to Pot: The Robert Mitchum Scandal That Rocked the Industry
Bogart’s Best: Top 10 Films for New Fans
The Quiet Power of David Farrar’s Screen Presence
The Director’s Final Scene: Who Killed William Desmond Taylor?
Otto Preminger: The Provocateur Who Redefined Hollywood
The Golden Age of Film Noir: Shadows, Style, and the Dark Heart of Hollywood
From Tap Shoes to Chain Gangs: Hollywood’s Conflicting Visions of the Great Depression
The Star Factory: How Rank Tried to Build a British Hollywood