Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Steven Spielberg’s 1981 action-adventure, Raiders of the Lost Ark, isn’t just a fun movie; it’s a masterclass in filmmaking. From the moment Harrison Ford first appears as the intrepid archaeologist, Indiana Jones, you are transported into a world of globe-trotting thrills and perilous escapades. The movie establishes Indy as a relatable hero. He’s not a superhero; he’s just a very smart guy who happens to be good with a bullwhip and is resourceful in a tight spot, which we see in the opening sequence as he escapes the booby-trapped temple. This is a huge part of the movie’s lasting appeal.

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The plot itself is a classic quest narrative: the U.S. government enlists Indiana Jones to find the Ark of the Covenant before the Nazis do. This leads to a series of incredible set pieces. We get the legendary boulder escape, the snake-filled Well of Souls, and the intense truck chase. The action sequences are expertly choreographed and still hold up today. There is a level of practical effects work that’s not often seen in current Hollywood productions which contributes to the film’s charm and enduring quality. The supporting cast also elevates the material. Karen Allen is great as Marion Ravenwood, a strong-willed and capable woman who is more than a match for Indy. Paul Freeman is suitably slimy as the villainous Rene Belloq, and Ronald Lacey makes a memorably sinister Nazi agent.

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Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Raiders does a great job at creating a world where anything seems possible. The exotic locations, the period costumes, and John Williams’ iconic score all combine to craft a memorable cinematic experience. The film never takes itself too seriously, with moments of levity interspersed among the action to lighten the mood. The humor is often character-based, arising from the situations the characters find themselves in. It is a wonderful blend of action, comedy, and adventure that makes it a very watchable experience, and is why it’s still loved all these years later.

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Raiders of the Lost Ark is a Paramount Pictures production.
Release Date: 1981
Director: Steven Spielberg
Cast: Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman, Ronald Lacey, John Rhys-Davies

Head of film reviews at The Viewers Guide with an erudite, insightful, slightly sardonic, deep appreciation for classic cinema. Has a habit of quoting obscure lines from old films in everyday conversation. He keeps a meticulously organized film logbook. He's a bit of a tea snob.